Monday, December 30, 2019

5 Reasons Why Your 2019 Goals Failed | Brian Tracy

Are you wondering why your 2019 goals/resolutions might have failed? When it comes to achieving success, the most important step is setting good goals, however, not all goals are created equal. Watch today's video to start 2020 with the right tools to achieve your goals.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Mr. Rogers Greatest Advice

Mr. Rogers Inspirational Advice. Fred Rogers was one of the most inspirational voices on public television. He reach millions of children and adults from around the world with his positive messages.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas!

May the joys of the season shed light, hope and fill our hearts with peace!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

What Children Can Teach Us About Kindness

Did you know the key to happiness is helping others? Watch this inspirational life lesson from children that we can all learn from. This video shows how giving back to others and always being kind will make you and others around you happy.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How Risk-Taking Changes a Teenager's Brain | Kashfia Rahman

Why do teenagers sometimes make outrageous, risky choices? Do they suddenly become reckless, or are they just going through a natural phase? To find out, Kashfia Rahman -- winner of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (and a Harvard freshman) -- designed and conducted an experiment to test how high school students respond to and get used to risk, and how it changes their still-developing brains. What she discovered about risk and decision-making could change how we think about why teens do what they do.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How to Motivate People to Do Good for Others | Erez Yoeli

How can we get people to do more good: to go to the polls, give to charity, conserve resources or just generally act better towards others? MIT research scientist Erez Yoeli shares a simple checklist for harnessing the power of reputations -- or our collective desire to be seen as generous and kind instead of selfish -- to motivate people to act in the interest of others. Learn more about how small changes to your approach to getting people to do good could yield surprising results.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Volunteer with the Matt Garcia Foundation

Justice, Legal Services & Civil Rights

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

Matt Garcia was a man with a vision. He was the youngest city councilman elected in the state of California in November 2007. Matt was a great young leader and inspiration to all who knew him. Matt was only 22 years old… but, he lived more in those short years than many adults can even imagine. He led by inspiration, with integrity and ambition.

Matt’s dream involved supporting the youth and creating places for them to go and things for them to do; Changing a culture of violence and crime in the city through youth involvement. By uniting a community all people will have a sense of belonging and responsibility to the city of Fairfield. Matt’s life was cut short, but his legacy, work and heart live on.

The Matt Garcia Foundation was established to carry out Matt’s dream. We are dedicated to the work and efforts that Matt started and hope that we can inspire others to be the change in this world we live in, just as Matt inspired us.

Opportunity Leader: Teresa Taylor Click here to email this contact

Friday, December 6, 2019

Join Us Tonight at the Christmas Tree Lighting & Holiday Festivities in Downtown Fairfield!

Christmas Tree Lighting & Holiday Festivities

December 6, 2019 6:00pm to 8:30pm

Rain or Shine

Tree Lighting at Jefferson & Texas Street

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What is Compassion?

What is compassion? We'll look at what compassion means and examples you might notice it in your own life.