Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Wishing You and Your Family a Wonderful Year Ahead!

Happy New Year from The Matt Garcia Foundation!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Power and Possibility of Unity

This week I posed the "unity" (unite) question. I asked people what they considered to be in unity with and what the word actually meant to them. I also had an opportunity to reflect on this power word myself.

Here's what I ask you to think about:

What is it?

In mathematical terms, the word "unity" means the number ONE. Unity also means singleness or the state of being one. It is when several parts come together with fidelity of purpose or action.

When people UNITE they join or come together and form a sole or distinct unit with connections of mindset and purpose. If there is a decision to be made, often it is with collaboration of all who are in the particular unit. For me, I think that the extent to which you feel united with something (or someone) is truly a matter of perspective. It begins in the mind (of course).

Levels of Unity

To be able to explore the relevance of unity in my life I found that I needed to break it down to specific levels. Like any other self-inquiry process, we often recognize the differences depending on the circumstance or context. When it comes to unity, this is no different.

Consider the ways in which you are united on these levels:

1. Unity to Self:

How well do you know, admire, and live from your connection to your true self?
In my opinion, unity starts within and works outward through our organic life experiences.
What parts of you are you deeply connected/detached from?

2. Others/Community:

Would you say that you are united with the various parts of your community and relationship?
When you believe, and are passionately committed to something, you are "in union" with it - not an added feature but a part of it.

We are united in gifts of service through our profession. I believe that our calling is our responsibility to respond to. As I have found with the helping professionals who are currently enrolling in the Purposefull Practice Program, some of us have been fortunate to have found our missions. There are many people, however who go through the motions of life still in search of their true purpose-driven life assignment.

3. World:

We all have the power to connect on a deep and profound level to the external parts of our world.
What is the biggest connection you have to missions and a purpose that is much bigger than your daily life and interactions?

I believe that our unity can be described as a unity or oneness that exists not in spite of our diverse characteristics, but because of it. It is the wonderful differences themselves which contributes to the whole.

Importance of Unity

Unity seems to hold even more precious value today in a world where we have become reliant on the web and other media platforms for communication. People are more disconnected than ever before. The spirit of individuality is quite common in our world today. While there is a place for this, we are social beings with distinct and valuable contributions to be made.

There is so much power and possibility in unity. When there is UNITY, where all the people have united in the same goal and purpose, they can accomplish just about anything that can be contemplated. When we unite, the members or contributors don't necessarily look alike or function alike, yet, they are all important, needed, interdependent, and all engaged in a vision or purpose toward the common end. As individuals we are indeed strong but as a united force, we can shift the world in unimaginable ways.

The way you think about unity will guide you to the way that it exists in your life. It's a mind thing!

Article Source:

Article Source:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

Join Us For Our Monthly Community Clean Up This Saturday, December 27th!

When: Saturday, December 27th, 2014 at 9am
Where: Starbucks Downtown Fairfield 700 Jefferson St Corner of Jefferson & Texas (map)
Description: We meet every last Saturday of each month (weather permitting). We clean up different locations and neighborhoods. Please join us. All are welcome
At the Matt Garcia Foundation we don’t want to complain about this, we want to create solutions to problems. It is with this spirit that we began our Monthly Community Clean Ups.

On the last Saturday of every month, volunteers get together and clean up a neighborhood in Fairfield. We pick up trash, work on landscaping paint windows, fix fences – all in an effort to improve our community. This is another example of community coming together to help make a difference.

The Matt Garcia Foundation Dream Team, is all about stepping up and stepping out of ourselves to serve others and our communities to be a part of the solution. Matt would say ” if you see a piece of garbage on the ground, please just pick it up” How simple is that! So, that is what we do.

Friday, December 19, 2014

6 Common Causes of Crime That We Should Be Aware Of

A society is defined as a group of people who establish relationship with one another while performing their own roles based on their work and status in life. In a particular society, a person tries to get involved with the people around them regardless of culture, language, work or lifestyle. Society plays an important role in the upbringing of a person especially among the youth. But then, it is noticeable that in different societies, crimes are committed and thus instill fear in the hearts of many.

Theft, burglary and murder are only some of the crimes that are rampant in our society. Even inside the homes where we should be safe, crimes still happen. Burglars enter our homes, steal of valuable possessions and in some instances, harm one of the family members. This is can truly be frightening that's why many of us install security or burglar alarms.

Installing alarms is a good idea but there's no stopping a criminal from harming you if he really wants to. So, let's discuss some common causes a person commits crime so we can be aware of them and know how to help improve our society. Below are the common causes of crime.

1.) Lack of proper education and judgment.
Some people who lack education commit a crime because they are not taught by teachers the proper manners and good values that they should have. They tend to have poor judgment and cannot distinguish right from wrong because they are not properly guided in school.

2.) Poverty
This is sometimes the lame excuse of criminals. Poverty can at some point be one factor that can trigger criminals to commit a crime but the society should also be blamed for this because criminals are tempted to get the material things that they see around while other offenders really need money and food so they resorted to theft or robbery.

3.) Lack of parental supervision
Statistics can prove that many offenders particularly young people lack supervision by parents. Some are fatherless or motherless while others are abandoned by their parents or in the care of a relative who care less in the way they should be brought up. Some parents are also too busy working so they neglect their child and spend no time in teaching them good deeds.

4.) Influence of media and environment
The movies and shows we see on tv, watch on video or easily access on the internet can truly influence on the way a person thinks. Young people who have seen violent movies or brutal acts on TV may think that being violent is acceptable. There are also shows that imply revenge which make some people think that they should get revenge to those who have hurt them. Even the environment where a person lives has a high impact on his upbringing and if crimes is rampant on their place then most likely he/she will also adapt it and do the same crime.

5.) Lack of Love
Studies show that many offenders are those that feel neglected by their families. They felt unloved by their parents or siblings thus they attempt to be accepted by the outside world. Some of them unfortunately meet bad people and join gangs because they feel a sense of belonging. They are influenced then by the gang and believe that they should join their peers in committing unlawful deeds.

6.) Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Some crimes are committed because a person needs money to buy drugs in which they are now addicted to. They resort to stealing money just so they can buy the drugs they want. Crimes are also committed because those who are drug addicts or under the influence of alcohol can no longer think clearly and cannot distinguish bad from good thus they commit murder or other crimes.

As a parent can do our part in avoiding more crimes from happening by educating our children on proper conduct and guiding them to the right path. As part of this society, let us join organizations that help the youth be educated and keep them away from bad influences and if we have extra income, we can give to charities/donate to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Let's do our part in making our society peaceful and crime-free.

Do you want to check someone's background to see if he/she has criminal records. You can now check someone's background online. Click on the link to learn more ->
Article Source:

Article Source:

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Carol Dweck: The Power of Believing That You Can Improve

Carol Dweck researches “growth mindset” — the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. In this talk, she describes two ways to think about a problem that’s slightly too hard for you to solve. Are you not smart enough to solve it … or have you just not solved it yet? A great introduction to this influential field.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Jose Miguel Sokoloff: How We Used Christmas Lights to Fight a War

Colombia is a country of exceptional beauty and promise, and it’s also a country where the F.A.R.C. guerrilla movement has incited violence for 50 years. “In my lifetime, I have never lived one day of peace in my country,” says Jose Miguel Sokoloff. This ad executive and his team saw an opportunity to sway guerrillas' hearts and minds with Christmas trees and personalized messages strategically placed throughout the jungle. A look at the creative messages that have led thousands of guerrillas to abandon the war, and the key insights behind these surprising tactics.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Matt Garcia Foundation's Community Investment Day - S.T.A.N.D.

The Matt Garcia Foundation invites you to STAND with us this day to Support, Teach, Advocate, Nurture, and Dream with the youth, businesses, and residents of our community. Help us continue our efforts to support the many neeeds of our neighbors and partners by pledging to STAND with FFINEST.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Emily Balcetis: Why Some People Find Exercise Harder Than Others

Why do some people struggle more than others to keep off the pounds? Social psychologist Emily Balcetis shows research that addresses one of the many factors: Vision. In an informative talk, she shows how when it comes to fitness, some people quite literally see the world differently from others — and offers a surprisingly simple solution to overcome these differences.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Support The Matt Garcia Foundation Through AmazonSmile!

You can help support The Matt Garcia Foundation by shopping through AmazonSmile.

  • Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to The Matt Garcia Foundation whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
  • AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same Amazon Prime benefits.
  • Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at

Click the logo above to start shopping!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Join Us For Our Monthly Community Clean Up Tomorrow!

When: Saturday, November 29th, 2014 at 9am
Where: Starbucks Downtown Fairfield 700 Jefferson St Corner of Jefferson & Texas (map)
Description: We meet every last Saturday of each month (weather permitting). We clean up different locations and neighborhoods. Please join us. All are welcome
At the Matt Garcia Foundation we don’t want to complain about this, we want to create solutions to problems. It is with this spirit that we began our Monthly Community Clean Ups.

On the last Saturday of every month, volunteers get together and clean up a neighborhood in Fairfield. We pick up trash, work on landscaping paint windows, fix fences – all in an effort to improve our community. This is another example of community coming together to help make a difference.

The Matt Garcia Foundation Dream Team, is all about stepping up and stepping out of ourselves to serve others and our communities to be a part of the solution. Matt would say ” if you see a piece of garbage on the ground, please just pick it up” How simple is that! So, that is what we do.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Help Prevent Gangs - Know The Facts

Tippecanoe County Project Safe Neighborhoods Anti-Gang Initiative - Empowering citizens to fight crime, one neighborhood at a time.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Kare Anderson: Be an Opportunity Maker

We all want to use our talents to create something meaningful with our lives. But how to get started? (And ... what if you're shy?) Writer Kare Anderson shares her own story of chronic shyness, and how she opened up her world by helping other people use their own talents and passions.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Matt Garcia Home for Women and Children

  • Program supporting 12-18 months, completed November 2009 
  • 6,265 square foot building 
  • Housing for 63 residents 
  • Additional open spaces for family support 
  • Resident assistance residence 
  • Mixed dorm and private family rooms 
  • 2 large lounges for meeting rooms and relaxation 

The Matt Garcia Foundation:

Matt Garcia was a man with a vision. He was the youngest city councilman elected in the state of California in November 2007. Matt was a great young leader and inspiration to all who knew him. Matt was only 22 years old…but he lived more in those short years than many adults can even imagine. He led by inspiration, with integrity and ambition.

Matt’s dream involved supporting the youth and creating places for them to go and things for them to do; Changing a culture of violence and crime in the city through youth involvement. By uniting a community all people will have a sense of belonging and responsibility to the city of Fairfield. Matt’s life was cut short, but his legacy, work and heart live on.
The Matt Garcia Foundation was established to carry out Matt’s dream. We are dedicated to the work and efforts that Matt started and hope that we can inspire others to be the change in this world we live in, just as Matt inspired us.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Haas&Hahn: How Painting Can Transform Communities

Artists Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn create community art by painting entire neighborhoods, and involving those who live there — from the favelas of Rio to the streets of North Philadelphia. What's made their projects succeed? In this funny and inspiring talk, the artists explain their art-first approach — and the importance of a neighborhood barbecue.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Matt Garcia Foundation's Community Investment Day - S.T.A.N.D.

The Matt Garcia Foundation invites you to STAND with  us this day to Support, Teach, Advocate, Nurture, and Dream with the youth, businesses and residents of our community.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Alessandra Orofino: It’s Our City. Let’s Fix It

Too often, people feel checked out of politics — even at the level of their own city. But urban activist Alessandra Orofino thinks that can change, using a mix of tech and old-fashioned human connection. Sharing examples from her hometown of Rio, she says: "It is up to us to decide whether we want schools or parking lots, recycling projects or construction sites, cars or buses, loneliness or solidarity."

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Extracurricular Empowerment: Scott McLeod at TEDxDesMoines

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Kid President - Pep Talk about Teamwork and Leadership

Kid President - Pep Talk about Teamwork and Leadership

Become a Great Team Leader to Not only Help yourself but to Help Others.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jeff Lliff: One More Reason to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

The brain uses a quarter of the body's entire energy supply, yet only accounts for about two percent of the body's mass. So how does this unique organ receive and, perhaps more importantly, rid itself of vital nutrients? New research suggests it has to do with sleep.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Join Us For Our Monthly Community Clean Up This Saturday!

When: Saturday, October 25th, 2014 at 9am
Where: Starbucks Downtown Fairfield 700 Jefferson St Corner of Jefferson & Texas (map)
Description: We meet every last Saturday of each month (weather permitting). We clean up different locations and neighborhoods. Please join us. All are welcome
At the Matt Garcia Foundation we don’t want to complain about this, we want to create solutions to problems. It is with this spirit that we began our Monthly Community Clean Ups.

On the last Saturday of every month, volunteers get together and clean up a neighborhood in Fairfield. We pick up trash, work on landscaping paint windows, fix fences – all in an effort to improve our community. This is another example of community coming together to help make a difference.

The Matt Garcia Foundation Dream Team, is all about stepping up and stepping out of ourselves to serve others and our communities to be a part of the solution. Matt would say ” if you see a piece of garbage on the ground, please just pick it up” How simple is that! So, that is what we do.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Are You Born To Lead? Leadership Traits That Every Leader Must Have

Are you born to be a leader? Many claim that a person is born to lead and scientists have claimed that one can inherit it through their genes. So is it too late for us who were not born out of influential families? According to D.R. Forsyth, one can develop leadership potential through hard work and careful observation. With that said, how can one be a leader? What traits and styles should one have in order to develop their leadership potentials? Below are just some things that you ought to consider to be able to develop your leadership potentials.

Act on It

The first thing to do to develop one's initiative is to act on an opportunity that comes along their way. One must develop their drive to make things happen the way they want it to. People who take the lead are on their way to becoming leaders as they are often the first person who would spot opportunities for the company that they work for and are not afraid to pursue it.

Be Responsible

Becoming a leader means being responsible and taking ownership of the problem. They exhibit a "can do" attitude, anticipate problems head on and provide several solutions or action plans in order to resolve the matter readily.

Innovative and Risk Taking

Suggesting new ways of handling things and taking risks are also some of the traits that one should develop to become a potential leader. Innovative thinking or "thinking out of the box" helps create change to the old ways and paves the way for a better and more productive company.

Motivating others

Leadership involves motivating others and directing them on what to do. The leader encourages the staff and fellow team member to work on the common goal together. They provide support and believe in the abilities of the people around them.

Self Confidence

People who are self-confident exude an aura of authority. They are not in doubt of their ability to make a decision and trust their decisions. They are emotionally stable, assertive and self-assured. To develop self-confidence, one must be consistent in what they are doing and demonstrate their integrity and commitment. Self-assured individuals also project their aura to their team and help create an environment where every staff or member feels valued and has a sense of belonging.

These are just some of the traits that every individual should develop if they want to lead or become a leader later on. Leaders are born, but leadership skills can be developed.

Are you interested to become a leader or improve your time management skills? Visit Meir Ezra website today to learn how you can create a better life for yourself and your loved ones as well.
Article Source:

Article Source:

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Matt Garcia Foundation's 5th Annual Golf Tournament is Monday!

The Matt Garcia Foundation is pleased to announce our 5th Annual Charity Golf Tournament which will be held on Monday, October 20, 2014.  This is one of our most well attended and exciting events of the year.  The tournament will be held at Green Valley Country Club which is one of the premier courses in our area.  This fundraiser gives us the opportunity to ensure that the powerful programs that we support throughout the year will continue. 

Our late city councilman Matt Garcia was a young man with a vision.  Matt's dream was to make a difference in the community.  Many of his hopes have been realized through the programs we support including youth sports, empowerment programs, community service days, the Gun Buy Back, Scholarship Programs, the Matt Garcia Learning Center, the PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center, and much more.  The Matt Garcia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers.   100% of your donation goes to fund these programs.

With the help of generous individuals and companies such as yours, our foundation has been able to raise the essential funds needed to “Keep the Dream Alive.”  We anticipate another successful event and we hope you will be a part of it.  Would you consider donating gift baskets, concert or sporting event tickets, vacation or spa packages, and other donations to be used for raffle and/or silent auction? 

We are a high-profile organization with a powerful presence in the community that is associated with positive change.  As a sponsor, your name, business or establishment will be prominently displayed in all our event publicity.  The event itself is an opportunity to network with many potential customers and clients.   Most importantly, your donation will send a powerful message that you are partnering with us to create a world that is safer and more meaningful.  It is our mission to support youth, help stop crime, and strengthen our community. Thank you in advance for your support.  Your contribution will make all the difference!

For more information or to donate, please do not hesitate to contact me or our tournament director Lesley Snedeker-DePorto at (707) 452-9676, or email

Teresa Courtemanche

Teresa Courtemanche
Matt Garcia Foundation    

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Matt Garcia Foundation's Community Investment Day - S.T.A.N.D.

The Matt Garcia Foundation invites you to STAND with  us this day to Support, Teach, Advocate, Nurture, and Dream with the youth, businesses and residents of our community.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Gang Membership a Family Affair in Chicago

CNN's George Howell reports on one family's deep involvement in gangs and how they're now trying to change.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Meaghan Ramsey: Why Thinking You're Ugly is Bad For You

About 10,000 people a month Google the phrase, “Am I ugly?” Meaghan Ramsey of the Dove Self-Esteem Project has a feeling that many of them are young girls. In a deeply unsettling talk, she walks us through the surprising impacts of low body and image confidence—from lower grade point averages to greater risk-taking with drugs and alcohol. And then shares the keys things all of us can to disrupt this reality.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Matt Garcia Foundation's 5th Annual Golf Tournament is October 20th!

The Matt Garcia Foundation is pleased to announce our 5th Annual Charity Golf Tournament which will be held on Monday, October 20, 2014.  This is one of our most well attended and exciting events of the year.  The tournament will be held at Green Valley Country Club which is one of the premier courses in our area.  This fundraiser gives us the opportunity to ensure that the powerful programs that we support throughout the year will continue. 

Our late city councilman Matt Garcia was a young man with a vision.  Matt's dream was to make a difference in the community.  Many of his hopes have been realized through the programs we support including youth sports, empowerment programs, community service days, the Gun Buy Back, Scholarship Programs, the Matt Garcia Learning Center, the PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center, and much more.  The Matt Garcia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers.   100% of your donation goes to fund these programs.

With the help of generous individuals and companies such as yours, our foundation has been able to raise the essential funds needed to “Keep the Dream Alive.”  We anticipate another successful event and we hope you will be a part of it.  Would you consider donating gift baskets, concert or sporting event tickets, vacation or spa packages, and other donations to be used for raffle and/or silent auction? 

We are a high-profile organization with a powerful presence in the community that is associated with positive change.  As a sponsor, your name, business or establishment will be prominently displayed in all our event publicity.  The event itself is an opportunity to network with many potential customers and clients.   Most importantly, your donation will send a powerful message that you are partnering with us to create a world that is safer and more meaningful.  It is our mission to support youth, help stop crime, and strengthen our community. Thank you in advance for your support.  Your contribution will make all the difference!

For more information or to donate, please do not hesitate to contact me or our tournament director Lesley Snedeker-DePorto at (707) 452-9676, or email

Teresa Courtemanche

Teresa Courtemanche
Matt Garcia Foundation    

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Gang Member-Turned-Ph.D. Mentors Youth on the Fringes

Victor Rios says he has lived two lifetimes. In his first, he was a gang member, juvenile delinquent and high school dropout. Now, he's a sociology professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who tries to help adolescents avoid the same mistakes he made and get second chances like he did. Ray Suarez reports.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Matthew O'Reilly: "Am I Dying?" The Honest Answer.

Matthew O’Reilly is a veteran emergency medical technician on Long Island, New York. In this talk, O’Reilly describes what happens next when a gravely hurt patient asks him: “Am I going to die?”

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Matt Garcia Foundation's 5th Annual Golf Tournament is October 20th!

The Matt Garcia Foundation is pleased to announce our 5th Annual Charity Golf Tournament which will be held on Monday, October 20, 2014.  This is one of our most well attended and exciting events of the year.  The tournament will be held at Green Valley Country Club which is one of the premier courses in our area.  This fundraiser gives us the opportunity to ensure that the powerful programs that we support throughout the year will continue. 

Our late city councilman Matt Garcia was a young man with a vision.  Matt's dream was to make a difference in the community.  Many of his hopes have been realized through the programs we support including youth sports, empowerment programs, community service days, the Gun Buy Back, Scholarship Programs, the Matt Garcia Learning Center, the PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center, and much more.  The Matt Garcia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers.   100% of your donation goes to fund these programs.

With the help of generous individuals and companies such as yours, our foundation has been able to raise the essential funds needed to “Keep the Dream Alive.”  We anticipate another successful event and we hope you will be a part of it.  Would you consider donating gift baskets, concert or sporting event tickets, vacation or spa packages, and other donations to be used for raffle and/or silent auction? 

We are a high-profile organization with a powerful presence in the community that is associated with positive change.  As a sponsor, your name, business or establishment will be prominently displayed in all our event publicity.  The event itself is an opportunity to network with many potential customers and clients.   Most importantly, your donation will send a powerful message that you are partnering with us to create a world that is safer and more meaningful.  It is our mission to support youth, help stop crime, and strengthen our community. Thank you in advance for your support.  Your contribution will make all the difference!

For more information or to donate, please do not hesitate to contact me or our tournament director Lesley Snedeker-DePorto at (707) 452-9676, or email

Teresa Courtemanche

Teresa Courtemanche
Matt Garcia Foundation                                                                                

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Join Us For Our Monthly Community Clean Up This Saturday!

When: Saturday, September 27th, 2014 at 9am
Where: Starbucks Downtown Fairfield 700 Jefferson St Corner of Jefferson & Texas (map)
Description: We meet every last Saturday of each month (weather permitting). We clean up different locations and neighborhoods. Please join us. All are welcome
At the Matt Garcia Foundation we don’t want to complain about this, we want to create solutions to problems. It is with this spirit that we began our Monthly Community Clean Ups.

On the last Saturday of every month, volunteers get together and clean up a neighborhood in Fairfield. We pick up trash, work on landscaping paint windows, fix fences – all in an effort to improve our community. This is another example of community coming together to help make a difference.

The Matt Garcia Foundation Dream Team, is all about stepping up and stepping out of ourselves to serve others and our communities to be a part of the solution. Matt would say ” if you see a piece of garbage on the ground, please just pick it up” How simple is that! So, that is what we do.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Compassion and Kinship: Fr Gregory Boyle at TEDxConejo 2012

Father Gregory Boyle, founder and executive director of Homeboy Industries, is an acknowledged expert on gangs, intervention and re-entry and today serves on the U.S. Attorney General's Defending Childhood Task Force.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Zak Ebrahim: I am the son of a terrorist. Here's how I chose peace.

If you’re raised on dogma and hate, can you choose a different path? Zak Ebrahim was just seven years old when his father helped plan the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. His story is shocking, powerful, and ultimately, inspiring.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Matt Garcia Foundation's 5th Annual Golf Tournament

The Matt Garcia Foundation's 5th Annual Golf Tournament is at Green Valley Country Club on October 20th, 2014

Get signed up today!
Our late city councilman Matt Garcia was a young man with a vision.  Matt's dream was to make a difference in the community.  Many of his hopes have been realized through the programs we support including youth sports, empowerment programs, community service days, the Gun Buy Back, scholarship programs, the Matt Garcia Learning Center, the PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center, and much more.  The Matt Garcia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers.   100% of your donation goes to fund these programs.

With the help of generous individuals and companies such as yours, our foundation has been able to raise the essential funds needed to “Keep the Dream Alive.”  We anticipate another successful event and we hope you will be a part of it.  Would you consider donating gift baskets, concert or sporting event tickets, vacation or spa packages, and other donations to be used for raffle and/or silent auction.

We are a high-profile organization with a powerful presence in the community that is associated with positive change.  As a sponsor, your name, business or establishment will be prominently displayed in all our event publicity.  The event itself is an opportunity to network with many potential customers and clients.   Most importantly, your donation will send a powerful message that you are partnering with us to create a world that is safer and more meaningful.  It is our mission to support youth, help stop crime, and strengthen our community. Thank you in advance for your support.  Your contribution will make all the difference! 

For more information or to donate, please do not hesitate to contact me at (707) 452-9676, or email

Monday, September 8, 2014

Colin Grant: The son of a difficult father

Colin Grant has spent a lifetime navigating the emotional landscape between his father’s world and his own. Born in England to Jamaican parents, Grant draws on stories of shared experience within his immigrant community — and reflects on how he found forgiveness for a father who rejected him.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Angela Patton: A Father-Daughter Dance ... In Prison

At Camp Diva, Angela Patton works to help girls and fathers stay connected and in each others' lives. But what about girls whose fathers can't be there -- because they're in jail? Patton tells the story of a very special father-daughter dance. (Filmed at TEDxWomen)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Forgiveness and the Freedom of Letting Go

Forgiveness is the mental, emotional and/or spiritual process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Clint Smith: The Danger of Silence

"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't," says slam poet and teacher Clint Smith. A short, powerful piece from the heart, about finding the courage to speak up against ignorance and injustice.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Matt Garcia Foundation's 5th Annual Golf Tournament

The Matt Garcia Foundation's 5th Annual Golf Tournament is at Green Valley Country Club on October 20th, 2014

Get signed up today!
Our late city councilman Matt Garcia was a young man with a vision.  Matt's dream was to make a difference in the community.  Many of his hopes have been realized through the programs we support including youth sports, empowerment programs, community service days, the Gun Buy Back, scholarship programs, the Matt Garcia Learning Center, the PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center, and much more.  The Matt Garcia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers.   100% of your donation goes to fund these programs.

With the help of generous individuals and companies such as yours, our foundation has been able to raise the essential funds needed to “Keep the Dream Alive.”  We anticipate another successful event and we hope you will be a part of it.  Would you consider donating gift baskets, concert or sporting event tickets, vacation or spa packages, and other donations to be used for raffle and/or silent auction.

We are a high-profile organization with a powerful presence in the community that is associated with positive change.  As a sponsor, your name, business or establishment will be prominently displayed in all our event publicity.  The event itself is an opportunity to network with many potential customers and clients.   Most importantly, your donation will send a powerful message that you are partnering with us to create a world that is safer and more meaningful.  It is our mission to support youth, help stop crime, and strengthen our community. Thank you in advance for your support.  Your contribution will make all the difference! 

For more information or to donate, please do not hesitate to contact me at (707) 452-9676, or email

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Winners of the 7th Annual Matt Garcia Foundation Softball Tournament

Thank you to everyone who came out for the 7th Annual Matt Garcia Foundation Softball Tournament.

1st place winners BFT (Blunt Force Trauma)


2nd Place winners Kung Pao BDV (Back Door Value)

The Adam "Sonny" Ward MVP award went to Josh Garcia

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Matt Garcia Softball Tournament Continues to Grow

10 matt garcia softball 1
Eric Mier bats during the Matt Garcia Softball Tournament at the Lambrecht Sports Complex in Suisun City, Saturday. Twenty teams entered the two day tournament. Proceeds benefit the Matt Garcia Foundation. (Aaron Rosenblatt/Daily Republic)


August 10, 2014

FAIRFIELD — Phil Arons had just come off a one-run victory Saturday in the 7th annual Matt Garcia Softball Tournament. As he changed from cleats to walking shoes, the Fairfield resident reminisced about the man whose tournament bears his name.

“He was a friend of the family,” Arons said. “He was a bat boy for our All-Star team.”

This is Arons’ second year in the two-day tournament, which concludes Sunday. He took the day off work to enjoy some softball with some friends and to raise money for a good cause.

Joe Castaneda made the trip from Oakland to play with his team, the Mambo Kings. He didn’t know Garcia, but he knew the young Fairfield city councilman had been killed.

Several family members were there to watch him play, Castaneda said.

“This is a very good way to get out and be with the family,” he said. “And it’s for a good cause.”

Both reasons helped him overcome a first-game loss. “We got dragged through the field,” Casteneda said.

David Diaz heads up the tournament, which benefits the Matt Garcia Foundation. He was friends with Garcia.

The family atmosphere brings teams back year after year, Diaz said. This year, 20 competed, coming in from Sacramento to San Francisco. Nineteen teams competed in 2013.

“This is one of the best community events for bringing everyone out,” he said. “We are definitely building a good reputation.”

The first tournament was held shortly after Garcia’s death in 2008. Diaz said Garcia would be “super stoked” to see so much support in his honor.

Garcia’s mother and stepfather, Teresa and Raymond Courtemanche, were at the tournament. Both expressed gratitude for those who support the event. Like Diaz, Teresa Courtemanche sees the event as one for family to enjoy.

The tournament has two divisions, competitive and coed. Each will vie for the championship as well as the most valuable player in each group.

The MVP honor has been named for Adam “Sonny” Ward, who died in 2013. Ward was a big supporter of the tournament and also played in it, Diaz said.

A jump house, music, face painting, silent auction and raffle are part of the event, which heavily relies on volunteers.

“The Matt Garica Foundation has a really good following,” Diaz said. “The volunteers just show up and are ready to work.”

Play resumes at 8:30 a.m. Sunday at the Lambrecht Sports complex on Petersen Road in Suisun City.

Article Source: Daily Republic 

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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Join Us For The 7th Annual Matt Garcia Softball Tournament This Weekend!

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fairfield PAL - The Matt Garcia Youth Center

2195 Union Avenue
Fairfield, CA 94533

707-422-MATT (6288)

For hours of operation and more information visit their website @

The center was named in memory of 22-year old Fairfield City Councilman, Matt Garcia, who passed away in early September 2008. When Matt ran for city council, one of his campaign promises was to open a teen center. The center was originally to be named the Billy Yarbrough Youth Center, but at the request of the Yarbrough family was re-named.

The Fairfield Police Activities League (PAL) Matt Garcia Youth Center builds community by organizing youth sports and healthy activities that develop personal character and foster a positive relationship among police officers, youth and dedicated volunteers.

In the past several years, the City of Fairfield was confronted with the growing problem of juvenile delinquency. Through the inspired efforts of Community Leaders, Law Enforcement, and Local Citizens to counteract this trend, the Fairfield PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center was established. The vision of the Fairfield PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center is to provide supervised programs such as basketball, boxing, martial arts, music, multimedia, soccer, dance, running, homework tutoring, and more.

The Fairfield PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center reaches out to underserved kids in the City and provides safe, healthy activities which promote teamwork, personal responsibility, self-confidence, exercise and healthy living. At a time when youth are barraged with negative influences and unproductive choices our programs offer safe, constructive alternatives to gang involvement, crime, teen pregnancy, delinquency, video game playing and just plain lethargy.

The Fairfield PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center provides a framework of rules and regulations that serve as guideposts for youngsters while they are growing up and will continue to serve them in later years. Dedicated civilians and police officers serve as coaches, instructors and mentors to youth who participate in the Fairfield PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center programs. For some youth these adults are the only people in their lives holding them to high expectations while teaching basic fundamentals of sports and leadership.

The Fairfield PAL Matt Garcia Youth Center is a community based tax exempt charitable organization that raises funds through individual, corporation and foundation support. We leverage each donation ten-fold by the hundreds of volunteer hours our coaches and program volunteers contribute.

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Monday, July 28, 2014

The 7th Annual Matt Garcia Softball Tournament is August 9th & 10th! Sign Up Today!

Step Up To The Plate And Help Strengthen Our Community!


4 Games Guaranteed / 15 Players Per Roster
Home Run Derby

Contact Information

(Team Registrations) Dave Diaz - Cell # (707) 249-9747 / Email:

(Sponsorship Inquiries) Scott Siordia -