Saturday, June 29, 2024

Taking It One Day at a Time

We're often hugely ambitious about our plans for happiness, picturing the years of joy we want to set in motion. However, at points, we should realise the greater wisdom of learning to enjoy the day already in hand, and drawing satisfaction from that most precious and most neglected of units of time; the present moment.  

Direct: 707.372.4160

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Congratulations Vince and Linda Guisande

Congratulations Vince and Linda Guisande on 41 years in business!

April marked our 41st anniversary in business. Seems every year folks always congratulate me for these milestones. In reality, I’ve just been smart enough to hire and have such great folks around me all these years. 

Speaking of great folks, what better time to announce our lovely daughter in law Danielle Dizzle Guisande is joining the company and the transition to Vincent Jr. and Danielle who are taking over the reins from Linda Guisande and me. They will be taking Tri-city Glass into its next seasons. Of course, Linda and I will still be around for a while to assist however we can. 

We are all excited for this new stage in basically all our lives. Look for many changes to come. Wish the kids luck and remember “Shop and Support Local Family-Owned Businesses!"

Vince Guisande 
Past Foundation Board Member

Direct: 707.372.4160

Thursday, June 20, 2024

7 Secrets To Becoming Mentally Tougher

Are you mentally strong? What does it mean to be mentally tough? Mental toughness is the capacity to effectively deal with stressors, challenges, and adverse situations, and still perform well in spite of their circumstances. Developing a tough mentality helps you cope with distressing and overwhelming moments in life better. You're more capable of handling fear and doubt. We'll let you in on some secrets on how to build mental toughness!

Direct: 707.372.4160

Friday, June 14, 2024

Water Safety

Now that the weather is getting warmer, it’s tempting to venture out into a local pool, take a trip to the beach, waterpark, lake or river. According to the World Health Organization:

  • Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional deaths worldwide.
  • There are an estimated 236,000 drowning deaths per year worldwide.
  • Drownings account for 7% of all injury-related deaths.

Some ways to become more water safe include having barriers to restrict unauthorized access to pools, make sure children are well-supervised when in and around pools, learn how to swim, use lifejackets when warranted, and learn CPR. 

Let’s all have a fun and safe summer!

Direct: 707.372.4160