Monday, July 29, 2024

Hot Weather Has Arrived

Remember these important safety tips:

> Use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 plus and reapply every two hours. 

> Drink plenty of water (6-to-8-ounce glasses daily) and avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks. Water gives your body hydration, helps control body weight, regulates body temperature, flushes toxins, and aids digestion.

> Use caution when dealing with open flames. Build campfires at least 25 feet away from anything that can burn. Store matches, lighters and lighter fluid well out of children’s sight and reach. 

> Be cautious in and around pools, lakes, rivers, etc. Wear approved live jackets. Learn how to swim.

> Don’t eat food left out of refrigeration more than one hour in temperatures above 90 degrees.

Direct: 707.372.4160

Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Know Yourself

One of the hardest things in the universe to understand is the interior of our own minds: we can have spent decades on the earth before we've grasped even very basic things about who we are and how we function. It's not for nothing that the Ancient Greeks felt philosophy had only one command: Know yourself! But however arduous, the journey can be facilitated by a few well-aimed bits of advice…

Direct: 707.372.4160

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Message From The Vice President

This May was the month we had a breakthrough. A wall that is. We decided to open up our office space so that everyone who comes to us can feel that they have a place at our table. It took some cutting, breaking down, and a truckload of trash had to be thrown away. It feels therapeutic when you take a hammer to sheetrock and get some frustration out. Sometimes, in order to heal, walls need to come down. Walls get put up to protect us and keep us safe. That is why it takes courage to bring them down. At first we feel exposed and vulnerable. We’re supposed to feel this way and see ourselves being ok in the process.

We want our office to be a place where people in our community can share their pain, their triumphs, and their healing. Solano county’s Homicide Survivor Support group now has an expanded space for more people to be able to come together. We realize how much courage and healing needs to happen here. Be courageous! Have courage!

Andy Ramirez, Vice President 

Direct: 707.372.4160

Saturday, July 20, 2024

'Peter and the Star-catcher'

On Saturday, May 11th, Raymond and I had the pleasure of attending the Marin Archie Williams High School Theater to watch ‘Peter and the Star-catcher', featuring one of our dedicated volunteers, James Clark, who played Alf. The play was an incredible experience, filled with humor and fantastic performances by all the actors. Events like these are a reminder of the vibrant arts community and the importance of supporting local talent.

The Matt Garcia Foundation is proud to have volunteers like James who contribute both on and off stage. Thank you, James. 

Teresa Courtemanche , President 
The Matt Garcia Foundation

Direct: 707.372.4160

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What causes kidney stones? - Arash Shadman

The biggest kidney stone on record weighed more than a kilogram and was 17 centimeters in diameter. The patient didn’t actually swallow a stone the size of a coconut; kidney stones form inside the body. So how do they grow in the first place? And why are they so painful to get out? Arash Shadman shares the science behind kidney stones. 

Lesson by Arash Shadman, directed by TED-Ed.

Direct: 707.372.4160

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Message From The President

CSI CoHort

After nearly a year of dedicated effort. We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the Solano Public Health capacity strengthening initiative for nonprofits cohort. This journey in collaboration with Solano Public health and Jeweld Legacy, has been transformative for both me personally and The Matt Garcia Foundation.

Throughout this initiative, I have gained valuable knowledge and insights that will ensure the sustainability of The Matt Garcia Foundation for generations to come. The experience has not only equipped us with the tools to strengthen our operations, but has also fostered a deeper understanding of my own capabilities and potential. Investing in partnerships for a healthier future has been a significant milestone in our mission to make a lasting impact in our community. this is exactly what Matt was all about. I’m excited to apply the lessons learned and continue drawing positive change and renewed energy and confidence. Thank you to Solano Public Health, Jeweld Legacy, and the 9 other nonprofits involved in this incredible journey. Here’s to a future of continued growth and success. 

Teresa Courtemanche, President 
The Matt Garcia Foundation

Direct: 707.372.4160

Thursday, July 4, 2024